Presentation at the 6th Annual Critical Perspectives Conference, 12 & 13th November 2014, University College Cork. The conference considers and explores:
- the value and relevance of psychiatric diagnoses in understanding and responding to a wide range of human experiences of emotional distress
- Critical perspectives on and creative responses beyond psychiatric diagnoses
Audio of the presentation (35 minutes, 11 MB):
PDF handout (6 slides per sheet, 3 sheets in total, 1.8 MB):
Stuart Neilson – The value of labelling (handout)
Online video:
Hi Stuart,
I attended the Critical Perspectives On and Beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis last week and I really enjoyed your talk: The Value of Labelling. I found it really interesting, informative, and helpful. Because of your talk, I found this blog which I also find insightful and useful! Looking forward to future posts.