
The full text of many of these chapters and papers are available open access (free) with regularly updated links at my ResearchGate, and Google Scholar pages.

Exhibited work is displayed in my online galleries at with some work in progress at



Friedlaender et al “Advancing Meaningful Inclusion Through Design: An Architecture of Dis/Ability” at Diversecity, the UIA 2024 Forum Kuala Lumpur, of the International Union of Architects.

“..Fallen through the cracks..”: A Co-Produced Qualitative Exploration of Autistic Student Experiences at an Irish Higher Education Institution (in preparation).


Shaw et al. Barriers to healthcare and a ‘triple empathy problem’ may lead to adverse outcomes for autistic adults: A qualitative study. Autism, DOI: 10.1177/13623613231205629 (Open access).

The Power of an Autistic Lens: Visualising Activity in Shared Public Space Design for Inclusivivity: Proceedings of the UIA World Congress of Architects Copenhagen 2023 335-346 2023 Springer Nature.

Shaw CK, Carravaliah L, Johnson M, O’Sullivan J, Chown N, Neilson SD and Doherty M. A “triple empathy problem” leads to adverse healthcare outcomes for autistic adults: a qualitative analysis. INSAR 2023.


Doherty M, Neilson SD, O’Sullivan J, Johnson M, Cullen W and Shaw CK. Barriers to healthcare and self-reported adverse outcomes for autistic adults: a cross-sectional study


Stuart Neilson. Architects as therapists and educators. IQD 65:78-83.

Stuart Neilson. Our Cork 2040: A Cork City for All. Tripe and Drisheen.

Doherty M, Doyle JK, Botha M, Neilson SD, McCowan S, Burke D, O’Sullivan J and Gallgher L. Autistic Adults and Psychiatry: Experiences and Barriers to Access.


Neilson SD, Doherty M and O’Sullivan JD. An Autistic-Led Cross-Sectional Survey of the Barriers to Healthcare Experienced By Autistic Adults: Consequences & Policy Implications.


Marie Walshe. Interview with Dr. Stuart Neilson, On the Lived Experience of Asperger’s Syndrome. Lacunae, 2018;16:54-63.
Read the full text of this interview on this site.


Stuart Neilson. Asocial People are also a Piece of the Continent. Speak Your Mind, 2014;8:20-21.


Corcoran, P., Burke, U., Byrne, S., Chambers, D., Daly, C., Hennessy, A. M., Keeley, H., Kelleher M.J., McAuliffe, C., McCarthy, J., McCarthy, M., Lawlor, M., Neilson, S., O’Sullivan, M., Perry, I.J. & Williamson, E. Suicidal Behaviour in Ireland. Suicidal Behaviour in Europe. Results from the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study on Suicidal Behaviour. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, (2004), 97-111.

Power B, Neilson S, Perry IJ. Perception of the risks of smoking in the general population and among general practitioners in Ireland. Ir J Med Sci. 2004;173(3):141-4


Creagh D, Neilson S, Collins A, Colwell N, Hinchion R, Drew C, O’Halloran D, Perry IJ. Established cardiovascular disease and CVD risk factors in a primary care population of middle-aged Irish men and women. Ir Med J. 2002 Nov-Dec;95(10):298-301.


Neilson S. The paradox of compressed morbidity: Rising individual health and longevity adversely affect population health indices. J Epidemiol Community Health 2001;A1-A56:4.


Kelleher MJ, Keohane B, Corcoran P, Keeley HS, Neilson S. An investigation of 100 Cork Suicides. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 2000;17(3):86-90.


Turner-Stokes L, Tonge P, Nyein K, Hunter M, Neilson S, Robinson I. The Northwick Park Dependency Score (NPDS): a measure of nursing dependency in rehabilitation. Clin Rehabil. 1998 Aug;12(4):304-18. PMID: 9744666.


Neilson S, Robinson I, Rose FC. The correlation of motor neuron disease with radiation – an objection to the hypothesis of Neilson et al – reply. Journal of Neurology, 1997;244(1):57-58


Neilson S. No Threshold. New Scientist, 1996;2011:43

Neilson S. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy – risk to human population is remote. BMJ, 1996 Apr 20;312(7037):1038-1039. PMID 8616366.

Neilson S, Robinson I, Pedro-Cuesta J and Veiga-Cabo J. Decline and rise of mortality from motor neurone disease in Spain, 1960-1989: Demographic, environmental and competitive influences. Neuroepidemiology 1996;15(4):180-191. PMID: 8817500.

Neilson S, Robinson I and Rose FC. Ecological correlates of motor neuron disease mortality: A hypothesis concerning an epidemiological association with radon gas and gamma exposure. Journal of Neurology, 1996 Apr;243(4):329-336. PMID: 8965106.


Neilson S, Robinson I and Rose FC. Mortality from motor neuron disease in Japan, 1950-1990: association with fallout from atmospheric weapons testing. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 1995;134(1-2):61-66. PMID: 8747845.


Neilson S, Robinson I and Nymoen EH. Longitudinal analysis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mortality in Norway, 1966-1989: Evidence for a susceptible subpopulation. J Neurol Sci. 1994 Apr;122(2):148-154. PMID: 8021698.

Neilson S, Robinson I and Alperovitch A. Rising amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mortality in France 1968-1990: Increased life expectancy and inter-disease competition as an explanation. J Neurol. 1994 Jun;241(7):448-455. PMID: 7931447.

Neilson S, Gunnarsson L-G and Robinson I. Rising mortality from motor neurone disease in Sweden, 1961-1990: The relative role of increased population life expectancy and environmental factors. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 1994 Sep;90(3):150-159. PMID: 7847054.

Neilson S and Robinson I. Reinterpreting mortality statistics – Reply. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 1994;47(6):698-699.


Hunter M, Robinson I and Neilson S. Factor analysis of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire in a study of people with motor neurone disease. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, [In press].

Robinson I and Neilson S. Prenatal diagnosis of late-onset conditions. BMJ. 1993 Apr 17;306(6884):1065. PMID: 8490512.

Neilson S. Affluence to blame. New Scientist, 1993;1896:48

Neilson S, Robinson I, Rose FC and Hunter M. Rising mortality from motor neurone disease – an explanation. Acta Neurol Scand. 1993 Mar;87(3):184-191. PMID: 8475687.

Neilson S, Robinson I and Kondo K. A new analysis of mortality from motor neurone disease in Japan, 1950-1990: Rise and fall in the postwar years. J Neurol Sci. 1993 Jul;117(1-2):46-53. PMID: 8410066.

Neilson S, Robinson I and Hunter M. Static and dynamic models of interdisease competition: past and projected mortality from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis. Mech Ageing Dev. 1993 Jan;66(3):223-241. PMID: 8469015.

Neilson S and Robinson I. Reinterpreting mortality statistics: Some uses of Gompertzian analysis in epidemiological research. J Clin Epidemiol 1993 Sep;46(9):1063-1069. PMID: 8263579.

Neilson S and Robinson I. Cross-sectional Gompertzian analysis: The development of a ‘Gompertz mortality ratio’ (GMR) and its applicability. Mech Ageing Dev. 1993 May;68(1-3):137-149. PMID: 8350654.

Hunter M, Robinson IC and Neilson S. The functional and psychological status of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Some implications for rehabilitation. Disabil Rehabil. 1993 Jul-Sep;15(3);119-126. PMID: 8374156.


Neilson S. Growing Pains [letter]. New Scientist, 1992;1837:44-45.

Neilson S, Robinson I and Hunter M. Longitudinal Gompertzian analysis of ALS mortality in England and Wales, 1963-1990: Estimates of susceptibility in the general population. Mech Ageing Dev. 1992 Jun;64(1-2):201-216. PMID: 1630157.


Neilson S. Family Mystery [letter]. New Scientist, 1991;1785:65.

Books and Chapters

The Sensory City (illustrated survey report, in preparation).

Sharing Spaces (in preparation).


Visually mapping the interplay between pandemic interest groups and ‘the vulnerable’ in newspaper accounts, 2018-2022. Stuart Neilson and Neil Kenny. In Helen Kara, Dawn Mannay and Alastair Roy (Eds.) The Handbook of Creative Data Analysis..

“Exploring the Paradigm of Co-Produced Research Within the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic”. Kenny, N., Neilson, S., O’Kelly, J., Doyle, J.K. and McDonald, J. (2024), in Rose, R. and Shevlin, M. (Ed.) Including Voices (International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Vol. 23), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 149-161.


Sensory Issues and Social Inclusion. Stuart Neilson, in Elizabeth Bartmess (ed) Knowing Why: Adult-Diagnosed Autistic People on Life and Autism. ASAN, 2018 (pp.30-43).
Read the full text of this chapter on this site.
Order “Knowing Why” from the Autistic Self Advocacy Network


Painted Lorries of Pakistan. Stuart Neilson. CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2015.
Order “Painted Lorries of Pakistan” from


Motor Neurone Disease – Essentials: Expert And Practical Advice. Dr Stuart Neilson. Class Publishing, 2014.
Order “MND Essentials” from


Living with Asperger syndrome and autism in Ireland. Stuart Neilson and Diarmuid Heffernan. CreateSpace, 2013.
You can buy the print edition (for about £10 / €12) or a Kindle ebook edition (about £2 / €2) from It is also available directly from CreateSpace or from


Motor Neuron Disease at your Fingertips. Dr Stuart Neilson and Dr Frank Clifford Rose. Class Publishing, 2003.
Order “MND at your Fingertips” from


Multiple Sclerosis at your Fingertips. Ian Robinson, Dr Stuart Neilson and Dr Frank Clifford Rose. Class Publishing, 2000.
Order “MS at your Fingertips” from

The Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study: A Report to the Department of Health & Children and the Souther Health Board. Dr Don Creagh and Dr Stuart Neilson. University College Cork, 2000.

National Parasuicide Registry of Ireland Annual Reports. Dr Stuart Neilson and Colin Thunhurst. National Suicide Research Foundation, 2000 onwards.


A Dispatch from the Front Line: The Views of People with Multiple Sclerosis about their Needs. A Report for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Ian Robinson, Maggie Hunter and Stuart Neilson. Brunel MS Research Unit, June 1996.


Mathematical modelling of inherent susceptibility to fatal disease. (Ph.D.) Stuart Neilson. The Department of Computer Science, Brunel, The University of West London, 1994.


A new approach to the epidemiology of ALS/MND: problems and possibilities in a national register of patients with ALS/MND. Ian Robinson, Maggie Hunter and Stuart Neilson. In: Frank Clifford Rose, ed. New Evidence in MND/aLS research 2. London: Smith-Gordon and Company, 1991.



“Amplifying Dimensional Experiences: Artfulness of Co-Creation & Co-Composers”. First Place Global Leadership Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona.

“Navigating Campus Through Autistic Perspectives”, Culture Night 2024, Dublin City University.


A Case for Sensory Decolonisation: Autistic Escape. Curated by Magda Mostafa. Venice Architectural Biennale, 2023.


Autistic Imaginaries of Architectural Space: the world from an autistic lens. Curated by Magda Mostafa. Venice Architectural Biennale, 2021.


Listen to the tone of my body language, in the group exhibition “Art, Awareness and Autism” at Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin.


Creating Autism. In St Peter’s Cork in February 2019, and subsequently the LHQ Gallery County Hall and Cork County Library branches.